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Warka Water

Warka Water

Traditional techniques and state-of-the-art technology to harvest water

The Warka Water vertical structure harvests water from the atmosphere (rain, fog, dew) providing an alternative water source for rural populations who have difficulty accessing drinking water. This passive structure, which only functions thanks to natural phenomena such as gravity, condensation and evaporation. The tower can thus collect between 50 and 100 liters of water per day.

Necessary conditions: a social need for water, suitable weather conditions and topography, a community that will maintain and use it. The installation cost is around US$1,000.

Towers were first tested in Italy, then the organization created a community designed to accommodate up to 100 people, in Cameroon, for Pygmies and other local ethnic groups. In this Warka village, a series of integrated sanitary and sustainable solutions were tested and implemented.

Also to be discovered : the Warka house with an innovative sanitary system, the Warka kitchen, the Warka clinic, the Warka garden, etc.

Project leader(s):



Arturo Vittori


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