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Organic surfactants for non-toxic and CO2-free hygiene

Biosurfactants are biologically based surfactants that disperse oil particles. The molecules wrap the oil � the hydrocarbons � in a structure called micelles, breaking them down and separating them for easy disposal. Surfactants therefore allow the emulsion to come into contact with water.

Dispersa uses food waste to develop a range of biosurfactants that replace synthetic surfactants (sulfate-free, palm oil-free, biodegradable and non-toxic). 20 million tons of surfactants are produced annually in the world, which are found in cleaning products, cosmetics and diverse personal hygiene products. The company wants to decarbonize the chemical industry.

Their PuraSurf line of biosurfactants is optimized for cleansing and personal care.

Project leader(s):

Québec, Canada


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